
While studying abroad, I was lucky enough to find my way over to Holland to do some sightseeing. One of the places I ended up was in the Tulip Gardens, also known as Keukenhoff. This very large and beautiful garden contains an extensive variety of tulips, and when they are in bloom the gardens are a feast for the eyes, lots of vivid colors and unique shapes to catch the eye. During this photo session, I mostly played around with focusing effects, and determining where the focal point of the photos should be.

Poi (“Ball on a cord”)

During my time at FSU I got to meet a pretty cool group of people known as the Pyronoles. These guys go out and practice a form of performance art, called Poi, that involves swinging some sort of weight and the end of a string in different rhythmic and geometric patterns. The two effects that I had the pleasure of photographing were glows and fire poi. My method here was to slow the shutter speed for long exposure photos that captured the movement of both fire and glow light alike.

My First Project

I first started getting serious about photography my freshman year of college while I was studying abroad in London. I took a photography class, got my first DSLR (Canon EOS 20D), and began my adventures in photography.  My first project involved a series of monkeys that had been graffitied on the sides/rooftops of many London buildings. The goal of my project was to capture the color of London. In the pictures, I removed color from the buildings and the background, only leaving color on the graffiti.

Why a Photography Blog

This blog is a part of a web design course. I chose to make the topic of this page photography because it is something that I am becoming increasingly passionate about. Pictures are a great way to see the world through someone else’s eyes. People see many different things and pictures are a way of helping us express the beauty we observe in the world we live in. Many of the photos that will become a part of this blog will be fairly amateur, as I’ve only been taking pictures for a year, or so. However, hopefully over time, my technique will improve and I will have had the chance to share with you all the unique and different things that I see in my world. Thanks for joining along in this wild ride, and I hope you all enjoy!

Grey clouds, bright sky

Grey clouds, bright sky


Welcome to Photos by Kat

Welcome! And thank you for taking your valuable time to view my humble site. Here you will find photos that I have taken as I delve into the world of photography. I learned to love photography from my father who, for my entire life, has had a camera in his hand. He has taught me most everything I know. Here I will share my adventures and experiences through the lens of my own camera. I hope you all will enjoy!


A Florida Keys sunset

A Florida Keys sunset